"Kimaldi is our trusted partner in Spain, this partnership reinforces our presence in the Spanish market (…) Kimaldi will provide local support and high level consultancy to our new and already existing customers” says Charlotte Pluvinage, export manager of STid.
Kimaldi’s distribution channels, associated with STid readers and tags, will give the opportunity to the Spanish customer to integrate STid RFID technology in their existing environment, with a minimum impact and without expensive middleware.
The flexibility and adaptability of the STid Products, will allow Kimaldi to offer competitive prices to all their customers, especially in the access control and vehicle identification field.

Link : http://www.kimaldi.com/

STid is pleased to announce the distribution agreement with Kimaldi to introduce its UHF reader range on the Spanish market.
Kimaldi is a leading distributor in people identification and access control equipments. Both as manufacturer and wholesaler distributor, Kimaldi stands out thanks to its flexibility and adaptation to customers’ needs, and also to its important experience, its know-how, its implication and commitment with its distributors’ channel.